Main events in the city of Campagna

città offers the opportunity to discover the major events taking place in the city of Campagna. If you want you can book a tour in its amazing summer event "'a Chiena" or in the winter one "i Fucanoli"

'a Chiena

This is the partial deviation of the Tenza river through an artificial canal, which captures the waters in Chiatrone and brings them into piazza Melchiorre Guerriero, making them flow along the streets of the historic center during the summer. The tradition was born in an unspecified period as a street cleaning system. In 1889 the pavement of Corso Umberto I was rearranged, to facilitate the outflow of river waters so as not to flood the houses, and the ancient artificial canal was restored
Main attractions:
Bucket: Every Sunday afternoon a sort of challenge takes place in the streets, throwing buckets of water at each other;
Strolling. Strolling on Sunday morning (Acqua Drink) and Saturday afternoon along the main street of the city;
Chiena di Mezzanotte. On 16 and 17 August, at exactly midnight, the city is flooded, while, in the unusual nocturnal scenario, spontaneous, musical, theatrical and dance shows take place;

Mini gallery:
We present the video trailer of the 2018 edition of Valentino Stassano

I Fucanoli

"I fucanoli" (bonfire): held on January 17th, the feast of Sant'Antonio abate; the event consists, in fact, in lighting fires in the squares (a common custom all over Italy, especially in the southern regions). The festival is articulated by a religious triduum, followed by a procession along the city streets. The fireworks announce the end of the religious celebration with the return of the statue and the beginning of the popular festival. Meanwhile the districts, which have stacked the wood for the "fucanol '" (bonfires), are preparing to organize succulent traditional dishes; abundant roasted meats are accompanied by typical local wines, led by traditional music and dances.
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