Santa Maria Domenica
(Campagna, 285 – Campagna 303)
Born in the current locality of San Abbondio, from Doroteo and Arsenia (inhabitants of the ancient countryside in the early 4th century), Maria Domenica lived in a modest house and was educated in the new religion that was spreading, despite the obstacles and threats from the Roman authorities of those years headed by the Emperor Diocletian¹.
Following the Edict of February 13, 303, the young woman - who later became the first Campagnese saint - found her atrocious death, probably, on June 6 due to the ferocious persecutions against Christians previously enacted, especially because she did not want to renounce her faith.
She was beheaded and her head buried under the temple of Castoro and Pollice present between the current Serradarce, Tuori and the Sele² river, while her martyred body was placed in plain sight as a warning to intimidate other destinations to deny Christianity.
Over the centuries there were various works of devotion and worship dedicated to the Saint, many of which also to important "signatures", such as that of Niccolò De Nigris and Don Francesco Maffey. She was, therefore, nominated minor co-patroness of the city on 6 June 1903³ by Mons.Buglione and, again on 6 July but in 1938, a church dedicated to her was built in the current hamlet of Camaldoli.
Text by Cristian Viglione.Revisions: Francesco Pezzuti.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Valentino Izzo - Collecting Campagna ... Illustrious people. vol. P - p. 10 - Year 2005 1. Valentino Izzo - Collecting Campagna ... Illustrious people. vol. P - p. 11 - Year 2005 1. Valentino Izzo - Collecting Campagna ... Illustrious people. vol. P - p. 12 - Year 2005